C.S. Arms, Inc.

Cliff Sophia, Proprietor

9150 John S. Mosby Hwy. (Rt. 50)

Upperville, VA  20185

(540) 592-7273 | sophiacsarms@aol.com

Open 10am - 5pm, Tuesday - Saturday

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Item No.: 10384 Price : SOLD
Description :
This is an original, WWI, U.S. Model 1917 Service revolver manufactured by Smith and Wesson and chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge with half-moon clips. The Model 1917 was adopted after America's entry into the First World War to supplement the stocks of Model 1911 semi-automatic pistols. Even with several companies producing the M1911, there still existed a shortage of these arms. The army approached both Colt and Smith & Wesson about producing military versions of their large frame civilian revolvers chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge. An engineer at S&W invented and patented the half-moon clip, but at the army's request Colt was allowed to use the clips in their design for free. Consequently, both Colt and S&W produced the M1917, each similar, but distinctly different. This revolver is Smith & Wesson's variant. It is in fine condition with about 80% of its factory blued finish remaining. There is some finish loss on the right side of the frame that is turning a light brown. There are a few surface rust speckles on the barrel and left side of the frame. The finish loss is consistent with having been stored in a leather holster. The hammer and trigger retain all of their case colors. The bore and mechanics are excellent. The walnut grips are very fine with just a tiny ding or two from use. Stock no. 30408



For CS Arms, Inc.
Shop Address:   Mailing Address:
9150 John S. Mosby Highway (Route 50)
in historic Upperville, VA
  Box 602
Upperville, VA. 20185
(540) 592-7273 or (540) 592-7274
E-Mail: sophiacsarms@aol.com

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