C.S. Arms, Inc.

Cliff Sophia, Proprietor

9150 John S. Mosby Hwy. (Rt. 50)

Upperville, VA  20185

(540) 592-7273 | sophiacsarms@aol.com

Open 10am - 5pm, Tuesday - Saturday

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Item No.: 10242 Price : $695.00
Description :
This is a Dutch Model 1895 #3 Old Model Carbine made at Hembrug in 1917. These were introduced in 1896. Originally intended for Engineers, they were later issued to Fortress Artillery troops. These carbines have a unique appearance with a handguard that overhangs the nose cap by several inches. This gun is in very fine condition with about 90% of its blued finish remaining. Almost all of the finish loss is on the butt plate. The receiver appears to have been plated and is mirror bright. All the lettering remains sharp. The bolt is also armory bright but has not been polished and has developed some brown patina on the bolt handle. The gun has excellent mechanics with all matching numbers. The bore is quite dark and a little rough. The rifling is strongly visible along the barrel's length. The stock is in fine condition but has been given a clear coat of poly or varnish. It appears to have been converted from a rifle stock, as there are two arsenal repairs where the original sling swivels were located. There is no cleaning rod channel. Still, this is a good looking, clean example of the #3 Old Model Carbine. Stock no. 29776



For CS Arms, Inc.
Shop Address:   Mailing Address:
9150 John S. Mosby Highway (Route 50)
in historic Upperville, VA
  Box 602
Upperville, VA. 20185
(540) 592-7273 or (540) 592-7274
E-Mail: sophiacsarms@aol.com

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